SIMPLE IN DESIGN. POWERFUL IN FUNCTION / Qnexis develops powerful mobile solutions that connect organizations so they can communicate and collaborate easily and efficiently. The power is in the technology – but we keep the user at the forefront of the interface design, so it’s simple to put all that power to work.
We use an Agile development methodology with certified Scrum Masters leading the way, because it’s a client-centric, iterative and feature-driven approach that allows us to:
– Collaborate with stakeholders
– Rapidly generate prototypes for faster results
– Gain immediate feedback and continue building
We’ve used the Agile approach with our clients in both government and commercial sectors to deliver fast results while maintaining the highest quality. Here are some samples:
Qnexis created the official mobile app of the U.S. Navy Seabees, helping Battalions deployed around the world stay connected. The app features reunions for Seabee veterans, global and homeport news features, and downloadable resources and interactive quizzes to help active-duty Seabees successfully complete advancement exams. Seabee Mobile is the one-stop app for "everything Seabee."

Qnexis turned the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ 700+ page Safety and Health Manual (EM 385 1-1) into an organized, searchable mobile app that fits in the palm of your hand. One chapter of the manual, the Fall Protection Field Guide, is its own app with links to local field offices and the latest safety information to ensure engineers and the construction force to stay in compliance.