Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) / U.S. Navy Seabees
The U.S. Naval Construction Force (NCF, aka, Seabees) have been called the Navy’s “best-kept secret.” They have been building and fighting since World War II and are deployed around the world erecting bridges, building bases, paving roads and airstrips, constructing schools and digging wells. Their motto is “Can Do,” and they are adept at partnering with local military and civic leaders, building relationships, repairing and assisting in the aftermath of natural disasters, and are trained to build and fight in forward-deployed environments.
The challenge / How to effectively convey the busy ‘Bees newsworthy accomplishments to a diverse audience from families to veterans to active military, and provide a virtual “hive” for Seabees of all generations around the world to gather?
Our solution / In 2005, Qnexis was first tasked to design and produce a quarterly print publication, Seabee Magazine. Over the years, the print edition morphed into a digital and mobile presence. Qnexis seamlessly transitioned the award-winning print publication into an award-winning online publication, Seabee Online, and eventually, our developers took it a step further and produced an agile mobile app, Seabee Mobile. For both, we research and maintain content, strategically market the website and app through social media and other channels, and update the website and app as technology advances.
The result / A strategic and operational vehicle to convey Seabee news online and on the go. The Navy’s “best-kept secret” is out.
Contact us to discuss our full complement of web and mobile solutions.